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Home » HUM-ID for contractors » Become a major customer

Become a major customer

Our business is the control.

Our customer relationships are based on trust.

Since its foundation, HUM-ID GmbH has been cooperating with various major customers such as companies, institutions and research facilities. Since 2020, we have been successfully expanding our key account business. As a regular customer of our sensor system, you will benefit from personal service, long-term price commitment and earlier access to product innovations. Let's get talking and let us convince you personally of our key account advantages.

Get in contact

Gerd Müller
Geschäftsführer HUM-ID GmbH



What added value HUM-ID offers you, when and where the sensors can be used



How to successfully integrate sensors and sensor controls into your property management system



Interesting figures, data and backgrounds from our many years of project experience

Major customers

Major customers

What benefits HUM-ID key accounts enjoy and how you can become one

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