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Facts about moisture damage to buildings

Our many years of experience show: Unwanted wetness in the roof structure occurs for every second new building. on. Our customers' inspections, which are often carried out during the construction phase to check workmanship, pinpoint exactly where water is forming underneath the waterproofing. Early detection and repair of weak points is vital in terms of the overall service life of the component.

Modernes weißes Wohnhaus

Cost savings for flat roofs

Water ingress is the number one cost factor for flat roof properties - sensor-based roof control is therefore proven to help reduce renovation costs.
The high costs arise mainly because leaks are discovered too late and consequential damage can no longer be averted. To detect problems early and stop the domino effect, regular electronically supported maintenance is essential. 
With wetness sensors built into the insulation, you won't miss any water damage. Save money and nerves both during acceptance, in operation and also during change of ownership.
Balkone an einem Mehrfamilienhaus

Increase service life for balconies

It is essential that balconies and terraces are waterproof sealed. Otherwise, water that penetrates the surface of the balcony or terraces at leaking points during rainfall will cause damage to the building structure. Such damage manifests itself in the form of fine cracks and salt efflorescence - but is often not visible to the naked eye until it is far too late. In the worst case, the entire balcony or terrace has to be demolished due to structural problems.
Protect yourself from high operating costs and fend off rent reduction claims by regularly checking balconies and terraces for leaks.
Parketboden Aufsicht mit Leisten und Holz

Detect mold growth at an early stage

With HUM-ID sensors it is possible to monitor common floor constructions with floating screeds on foam insulation regarding water damage. With the help of the HUM-ID sensors, moisture can not only be located at specific points, but the spread of the water damage can also be traced. Experts are also convinced by the system: HUM-ID was certified as particularly suitable for use in the floor area at the 2019 Mold Forum.
With permanently installed HUM-ID sensors, wetness in floors can be made visible without having to open the contruction. 

The risks for flat roofs

Roofs in general and flat roofs in particular are prone to renovation. The main reason: flat roofs are significantly more exposed to external factors. High temperature fluctuations between +80 degrees in summer with direct sunlight and down to -30 degrees in frosty winter periods, UV radiation, wind: The flat roof suffers particularly from climatic factors. sanierungsanfällig. Der Hauptgrund: Flachdächer deutlich stärker externen Faktoren ausgesetzt sind. Hohe Temperaturschwankungen zwischen +80 Grad im Sommer bei direkter Sonneneinstrahlung und bis zu -30 Grad in frostigen Winterperioden, UV-Strahlung, Wind: Das Flachdach leidet besonders unter den klimatischen Einflussfaktoren.

Unlike the tiled roof, the flat roof is exposed to additional loads during the construction phase. With the installation of technical superstructures and the integration of photovoltaics, outside trades enter the building component after completion and can potentially cause damage to the roof cladding. Schäden an der Dachhaut verursachen.

Starker Regen fällt aus Wolke
Extreme weather events such as heavy rain or hail
Sehr hohe Temperaturunterschiede bei Dächern
Temperature fluctuations between +80° in summer and -30° in winter
Strong UV radiation at a steep angle
Moderne Solaranlagen mit Nässesensoren
Loads due to technical superstructures and photovoltaic systems
Folgegewerke können Schäden auf dem Dach verursachen
Risk of damage due to carelessness of subsequent third-party trades
Krähe auf dem Dach pickt auf eine Walnuss
Other non-weather-related environmental influences

Typical damage to the flat roof

Typical damage patterns for flat roofs include:

  • Leaks in seams
  • Perforations of the sealing materials
  • Deflection of the roof structure
  • Cracks on tails
  • Detachment of material transitions

In most cases, this damage remains undetected by the human eye if wetness sensors are not used. However, sooner or later they cause two different types of moisture damage: visible and invisible. With the HUM-ID sensor system, you can avoid both types of damage by detecting moisture penetration at an early stage and avoiding consequential damage. Nässesensorik verzichtet wird. Sie verursachen aber über kurz oder lang zwei unterschiedliche Arten von Nässeschäden: Sichtbare und unsichtbare. Mit dem Sensorsystem HUM-ID können Sie beide Schadensarten vermeiden, in dem Sie eindringende Nässe frühzeitig erkennen und Folgeschäden vermeiden.

Non-visible wet damage to the flat roof

In most cases, people do not even notice that the roof is leaking. This is because the vapor barrier underneath the insulation holds back the penetrating water. The building itself therefore remains dry - despite damage to the roof structure. However, the water often stands unnoticed in the insulation for years. In concrete terms, this means that the insulation no longer insulates as usual. Significantly more energy must be expended to supply the building with heat.

Visible wet damage to the flat roof
Nässeschäden beim Flachdach

The penetrating moisture damages the roof structure - with potentially catastrophic consequences for the entire structure. The consequences range from rent reductions due to mold growth in private apartments, damage to inventories and loss of use for several weeks in commercial operations, to total loss in public buildings because the roof can no longer withstand the stresses caused by material wear as a result of the leak.

The solution: detect wetness at an early stage
Nässe frühzeitig erkennen

To ensure that processes in the roof structure do not go undetected, only a regular, sensor-based inspection of the insulation can provide real certainty about the condition of the roof. The simple and proven procedure can be carried out by any roofer and can be done during the regular roof inspection. It is particularly important to check the roof directly after completion of the construction work, because the sooner unwanted moisture is found, the greater the chances of avoiding possible consequential damage.

No chance for mold: sensors in floor constructions

The combination of simple resistance measurement for reliable detection of moisture and the use of RFID technology for data and energy transmission also makes HUM-ID the perfect instrument for early moisture and thus mold detection in floor constructions. Feuchte- und und damit Schimmeldetektion in Fußbodenkonstruktionen.

Read more about the KD1 sensor, which can be installed under screed, under floor heating and in many other floor constructions.

Aufsteigende Nässe beschädigt das Bauwerk
When moisture in floor constructions becomes visible through water pull-ups or through mold growth on the wall, it is already too late.

2.3 billion euros paid by building insurers for water damage year after year

„Rund 3,4 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr zahlen Deutschlands Versicherer für die Folgen von Leckagen, sie stehen für knapp die Hälfte aller Kosten der Gebäudeversicherung und sind damit teurer als Sturm- oder Feuerschäden.

The insurance association also notes: Tap water damage occurs more than 1 million times a year in Germany. The sums required to settle claims are so enormous because in many cases the damage is noticed too late. GDV calls for more systematic controls that could reduce the number and extent of damages. mal kommt es in Deutschland pro Jahr zu Leitungswasserschäden. Die Summen zur Schadensregulierung sind so enorm hoch, weil die Schäden in vielen Fällen zu spät bemerkt werden. Der GDV mahnt mehr systematische Kontrollen an, die die Schäden in Anzahl und Ausmaß reduzieren könnten.

Sensor technology to prevent water damage is basically nothing new, but it often just doesn't go far enough: classic moisture sensors are connected to pressurized fresh water pipes to detect pressure drops and thus leaks and shut off the water pipe in case of danger. Equally widespread are sensors placed on the floor covering, often near water-carrying appliances such as washing machines. druckführenden Frischwasserleitungen angeschlossen, um Druckabfall und damit Undichtigkeit zu detektieren und die Wasserleitung im Gefahrenfall abzusperren. Genauso verbreitet sind Sensoren, die auf dem Fußbodenbelag häufig in der Nähe von wasserführenden Geräten wie z.B. Waschmaschinen platziert werden.

However, these methods do not cover 57% of water damage: In these cases, the penetrating water originates from unpressurized drain lines, an unpressurized floor heating system, or some other "unintended release." Conventional measuring instruments are of no help here. The water collects in the insulation levels of floor constructions and is usually only noticed when it has spread over a wide area and shows itself, for example, as water highs with or without mold formation on the walls. 57% der Wasserschäden nicht ab: In diesen Fällen stammt das eindringende Wasser aus drucklosen Abflussleitungen, einer nicht drucküberwachten Fußbodenheizung oder  einer anderen „bestimmungswidrigen Freisetzung“. Herkömmliche Messinstrumente sind da nicht hilfreich. Das Wasser sammelt sich in den Dämmebenen von Fußbodenkonstruktionen und wird meist erst dann bemerkt, wenn es sich flächig verteilt hat und sich bspw. Als Wasserhochzüge mit oder ohne Schimmelbildung an den Wänden zeigt.

The solution: Permanently integrated, wireless sensors for monitoring the floor construction

Floor structures belong to the more complex component constructions. Different levels of moisture or water ingress are possible and damage is usually not detected until large potential damage has already occurred.

The cable- and battery-free wetness sensors from HUM-ID have also been used successfully for several years in the ground area for early wetness detection. The system was tested in stages and installed and verified in practical, realistic large-scale trials. In a study conducted by Bayern Facility Management GmbH, the system was found to be the best possible approach to permanent and, above all, non-destructive damage prophylaxis for floor structures.

In the laboratory tests before the official market launch of the KD1 sensor, realistic scenarios were tested and both dry and wet conditions were simulated, both selectively and across the board. With the help of the HUM-ID sensors, moisture could not only be located at specific points, but the spread of the water damage could also be traced. Sensors KD1 in realitätsnahe Szenarien getestet und sowohl Trocken- als auch Nasszustände, sowohl punktuell als auch in  der Breite nachgestellt. Mithilfe der HUM-ID Sensoren konnte Feuchtigkeit nicht nur punktuell geortet werden, sondern auch die Ausbreitung des Wasserschadens nachvollzogen werden.

HUM-ID sensors can be installed, for example, in the insulation levels of floating screeds, thus making it possible to check the construction for wetness in a permanent and uncomplicated manner. The above-mentioned study praises above all the cost-effectiveness and practicality of the system, citing the "maintenance-free passive sensors in floor constructions as "worthy of preference" in comparison with active sensor solutions for indoor use, which have hardly been used to date. Wirtschaftlichkeit und Praxisnähe des Systems und nennt die „wartungsfreien passiven Sensoren in Fußbodenkonstruktionen als „vorzugswürdig“ im Vergleich zu bislang kaum verbreiteten aktiven Sensorlösungen für den Innenbereich.



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