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Made in Germany
kabel- und batterielos
Lokalisierung per Ortung

The standard
for flat roofs

HUM-ID Sensor WD1

The Hum-ID sensors are extremely robust and powerful. The wireless and battery-free sensors are manufactured to a high standard and are made exclusively in Germany.

In general, the installation of one sensor per square meter is recommended. Depending on the floor plan of the roof and the materials used, object-specific grid dimensions can also be used as a basis. At potential risk points (such as edges or superstructures, etc.), the sensors can also be installed at smaller distances.

The sensor can indicate wet or dry as often as required. The WD1 can be used for both new construction and renovation.

Made in Germany
kabel- und batterielos
Lokalisierung per Ortung
Incl. vlies

The standard
for ground sealing


The Hum-ID sensors are also extremely robust and powerful. The wireless and battery-free sensors are manufactured to a high standard and are made exclusively in Germany.

In general, the installation of one sensor per square meter is recommended. Depending on the area of application and the materials used, object-related grid dimensions can also be used as a basis. At risk points, the sensors can also be installed at smaller distances.

The sensor can indicate wet or dry as often as required. The KD1 can be used for both new construction and renovation.

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