About the App
The app
Welcome to the all-new HUM-ID App 4.0. The latest release includes new features, an easy to use interface and some major stability improvements. This animated manual guides you through the app.
New Features in V4
With the release of the latest version 4 we made it possible to asign a photo to your project. This photo can be a plan, a drone shot of the area or something else that represents the surface of your project.
Everytime you’ll scan wet sensors you are prompted to mark the specific spot in that photo with your fingertipps. The automatically generated report at every end of a scanning process shows the wet spots ontop of the photo.
If you do not have a photo of your project you can take a photo of a plan right within the app. You also can proceed without any photo. In this case the report only includes the amount and numbers of the wet sensors you detect during the control.
In both scenarios you have the possibility to save or share the results of a control not only as a pdf file but also as a CSV document.
If you have a very easy to control surface with straight angles and a simple rectangular geometry you still can control the project in the „Graphical check (Beta)“ mode. Here you create a plan of the sensors by yourself. It is only suitable for clients who already have a lot of experience with HUM-ID since it is a bit tricky to set it up.
Keep in mind that for all project-modes the initial check is very important because you not only check the sensors for wetness but you register the sensors for the first time and link them to your project. In every following control of this project the specific sensors you read during the initial control will be searched.
We are continuously improving the HUM-ID app giving our customers the best product experience possible. That is why we are dependent on our users’ feedback. We are always interested in your personal experience with the HUM-ID system.
Additional to the mandatory basic data of your project (name and scenario) it is now possible to link a photo to your project. This photo should represent the surface of your project. During every control you can mark wet spots (wet sensors) with your fingertips. On the second screen of the project setup you can upload a photo from your photo roll or take a photo yourself. Note that the photo must be in JPG or PNG format and should be taken in portrait mode.
New project
Enter the project data before you start the initial check. Just tap „Manage projects“ on the app’s first screen and then hit the „New Project“ button. First enter the project name and the project address (i.e. „Car Dealership“). Those info are displayed on the project overview page and help you to navigate through your projects.
On the next four screens you can enter more project data by tapping on the select boxes. At the end, you can enter additional information (i.e. weather conditions).
Add a photo
On the second screen you can choose a photo from the camera roll or take a photo of a plan of the proejct surface yourself and asign it to the project. The format of the JPG or PNG image should be landscape. You only have to choose a photo once per project. This photo is part of every report. When you scan wet sensors during a control you are prompted to mark the specific spot on the photo with your fingertips.
Edit project
You can edit the master data of a project at any time. Navigate to „Manage projects“, choose your project and click on „View and edit project details“. Just change the data you want to change and hit the save button at the end.
Delete project
You can delete the project via the project overview page. Just choose the project of the list, swipe to the left and hit „Delete“.
Please note that you cannot recover a project and all its data once it is deleted.
Before you start
The smartphone App controls the scanner. Both devices are being connected via Bluetooth. The Bluetooth connection between the HD EXA and the smartphone will be established within the app – every time you are starting a scan.
At first please turn your HD EXA on.
- Go to your smartphone settings and turn on Bluetooth.
- Launch the HUM-ID app on your smartphone. Go to a project you want to scan and choose the scan mode (Sensor control or Graphical check).
- iOS devices auto-connect to the scanner when Bluetooth is turned on. Android users choose the scanner from the Bluetooth device list actively.
It takes up to 30 seconds until the connection is being established. If you still having trouble with the connection try the following steps:
- Quit the HUM-ID App (do NOT delete it)
- Decouple the HD EXA in the Bluetooth settings of your smartphone. Press and hold all three buttons of the HD EXA for at least 5 seconds. You hear an acoustic signal as the HD EXA turns off..
- Restart the HD EXA and open the HUM-ID App on your smartphone again and wait until both devices are paired.
If the HD EXA is paired to the host device, it stores information about the paired devices and tries to connect automatically when turned on. Using the “Unpair a Bluetooth device” key clears paired device from the HD EXA’s memory.
- Make sure device is disconnected.
- Press and keep left “Unpair” button down at least 3 second.
- When device beeps three times, pairing is cleared. Device may reboot.
Android devices
iOS devices auto-connect to the scanner when Bluetooth is turned on. Android users choose the scanner from the Bluetooth device list actively.
Test mode / Quick check
About this mode
The Test mode or Quick scan lets you check single sensors – independently from any project. You can reach the test mode from the home screen. This mode is helpful if you want to check specific spots of a surface quickly or want to get familiar with HUM-ID as a concept.
This mode is not recommended if you want to check a project as a whole. For doing this you first have to set up a project, register the sensors individually and then perform the standard project control.
After you tab Quick check on the home screen you’ll see the device connect screen – learn here what you have to do to connect your smartphone to the HD EXA.
Locate wet sensors
When you scan a wet sensor, the reading process stops, the screen turns orange and the localization screens appears. The visualization shows your position in relation to the prior found wet sensor. The closer you get to the sensor the higher the percentage on the screen. To continue scanning, just tap on the screen.
Share result in Test mode
You can share the scan results of the Test mode at any time by hitting the share symbol in the upper right corner.
Project Control (standard)
If you want to check the status of the sensors of a project for the first time just enter the project info, upload a photo and choose Sensor control (recommended).
If you didn’t upload a photo, you can use the sensor control as well (but you don’t have the option to mark wet spots).
As opposed to the more complicated Graphical check (Beta) in the classical Sensor control you do not have to create a optical representation of the surface you want to check, you just can use the uploaded image. Therefor this mode is much faster and is most common used by our customers.
Please note: Even in the standard mode should read the sensors very carefully during the initial check and scan the sensors in a structured way. It is best to read and register the sensors one after another and walk in orthogonally lanes. Dependent on the initial reading order every sensor is given ascending unique sensor ID during the initial check.
The more precise you read the sensors at the initial check the easier it is to find and check the sensors on following checks.
The initial check should be created directly after the sealing is beeing finished.
Before you start
After your Smartphone is connected to the scanner and you choose „Sensor control“ you’ll see 5 hints how to procede the initial check. When you hit „Start“ the app changes to the scan mode.
Go to the starting point of the initial check – it is highly recommended to choose a prominent edge of the surface.
When you are ready hit the „Start“ button. The app changes to the scan mode and the exa searches for the first sensor near by.
Regarding the reading power:
When you first check a project the reading power is dimmed to a low level, so that you only register the sensor right in front of you – the app gives each and every single sensor an ascending ID.
If you still read too many sensors at the same time you can lower the reading power manually by tapping the settings button on the bottom right corner of the screen.
If you cannot read any sensor do the same and decrease the reading power via the same button.
Start und Stopp
You can start and stop the scan by tapping the the big round button at the bottom of the scan screen.
Graphical check (beta)
The Graphical check (beta) enables you to to draw a map of the actual surface and the the sensors which are beeing integrated. It is a bit tricky during the initial check since you have to to define the surface edges during the initial check, but it is very helpful for upcoming checks of the same project.
We highly recommend to train the graphical check first with about 50-100 visible sensors, somewhere outside where you can see the sensors. Just start a „Test Project“ and choose „Graphical Check“ and follow the instructions. As soon as you get used to the logic of the inital check you can perform the mode with an actual HUM-ID project.
Please note
When you perform the initial check in the Graphical mode (beta) you not only draw the sensor map but you check the sensors for wetness at the same time. The initial check is devided in to phases: 1. The Outline and 2. The Filling.
Before you start
After you entered the project dertails and connected your smartphone to the scanner, you can start the inital check by hitting the „Graphical check (beta)“ button.
You see a short introduction first guiding you to the process of recording the outline. Tap „OK“ to start registering the outline sensors. You now have to register one sensor after the other which are placed at the outline of the surface.
Start and stop
If you want to pause or quit the scan of the outline, just hit the big button at the bottom of the screen.
Step 1: Defining the outline (Reading the outline sensors)
Start with a prominent edge of the surface. When the scanning mode is active you should be able to read the first sensor. Now read one outline sensor after the other and move slowly to the first edge of the surface. Everytime you’re reaching an edge, stand still for a second an hit the arrow in which direction you’ll go next. The grid automatically turns to that direction.
The grid always turns 90° if you tap on one of the arrows.
Now continue the registration of the outline sensors of the next border until you reach the next edge. Go on with this procedure until you arrive at the first sensor that you have registered. The app automatically closes the outline and asks you if this outline is okay. You can discard the outline if it looks not like the actual outline at all and restart the progress again. If the ouline looks somewhat like the actual outline hit „OK“ to go on with registration of the inner sensors.
Step 2: Defining the filling (Reading the inner sensors)
As soon as you are reaching the first first outline sensor again tha apps asks you to confirm the outline. You can wether confirm it or start all over again with the outline.
When you are happy with the outline it’s time to register the inner sensors. Before you start with this you’ll see some hints of how to precede. When you are ready go to the first outline sensor, move one sensor to the right (or left) and hit the Start button.
You’ll hear a sound indicating that you are ontop of an outline sensor. Now you’ll have to go in a straight lane directly to the outline sensor on the opposite outline. Go slow and hold the scanner as intended to register the sensors in that line until you’re reaching the opposite side. You’ll here a sound that indicates that you read the already registered sensor of the grid. All the filling sensors of that lane are now visible in the graphic.
Now, you’ll have turn around and read the next outline sensor to start the second lane. After you hear the respective feedback sound you’ll start with the second lane. You move slowly to the opposite outline sensor until you’ll reach it.
Just go on in that mode until moving from outline sensor to outline sensor until all the filling sensors are registered. Hit the Start/Stop-button when you are done.
Changing the reading power
Regarding the reading power:
When you first check a project the reading power is dimmed to a low level, so that you only register the sensor right in front of you – the app gives each and every single sensor an ascending ID.
If you still read too many sensors at the same time you can lower the reading power manually by tapping the settings button on the bottom right corner of the screen.
If you cannot read any sensor do the same and decrease the reading power via the same button.
If you are registered a sensor by accident you can always use the UNDO Button on the bottom left.
This function comes in handy, when you’re reading power is too high and you read too much sensors at the same time.
Further checks
About further checks
When you are done with the initial check and the sensor grid looks the grid is beeing save. The next time you’ll open the project you can choose Manage checks > New Check.
You’ll see the gird that you initially generated. All the sensors are grey. Just start the check and go (with a default high reading power) over the surface and read the sensors. All dry sensors are turning green, all wet sensors orange.
Locating wet sensors
When you scan a wet sensor, the reading process stops, the screen turns orange and the localization screens appears. The visualization shows your position in relation to the prior found wet sensor. The closer you get to the sensor the higher the percentage on the screen. To continue scanning, just tap on the screen.
About reports
After you finish a sensor check you’re able to share the generated PDF report with colleagues or send the report to yourself. You can also save the report to your smartphone drive. Just go to Projects, choose your project, tap an Manage checks, choose the check and hit „Send report“. The sharing options are popping up.
Support Hotline
Having trouble with the app? We gladly assist you. Please call: